Why do people cheat? Is it because of instant reward and satisfaction? Is it because it’s thrilling, so people do it just for the heck of it? There could be a variety of colorful answers, and we’re all gonna try to justify it. One of the prominent institution where cheating happens in any creative ways is at school. I had been a student before, and I had first hand experiences about academic dishonesty. But, does cheating really help students or just brings harm? Of all the complicated calculus and trigonometry formulas, this is the only thing I can vividly remember from what my math teacher taught, “It is not cheating when you’re not caught”. Ironic isn’t it ?
Academic dishonesty or cheating can be harmful to students. Cheating does not give students any motivation at all, for instead of studying, students will rely more on cheating notes during every examination. When students lie, they don’t learn any skills because they always have to depend on something or someone else. As a result, students end up not having a sense of self-reliability, and they miss the opportunity of exploring the outer bounds of their comfort zones. Too much money and time are also wasted due to cheating. Students will need to retake a failed course and repay the fees. Money will need to be reinvested, which could be utilized for other productive activities. The risk of being suspended or terminated because of dishonesty is not worth the chance of having that on one’s academic record. It is not something a future employer would look highly upon, and it could be an obstacle on getting that dream job.
On the other hand, cheating also robs students of their chance to become competent. Students seem to become loose with their academic goals and sometimes have no goals at all. Due to a lack of goals, students will have a difficult time being successful in their chosen fields. This act of deception is also a hindrance in developing a good relationship between a student and a teacher. Once a student is caught cheating, it’s very difficult for the instructor to trust the student again. Furthermore, even if the student doesn’t cheat and still does well in the class, the teacher is still kind of skeptical.

Addictive deception is a lifelong habit that could really lead to serious damage and not just in studies.For example, he or she will not be the best choice when it comes to relationship with the opposite sex, which I doubt if he’ll even get randomly selected for a date.When a student gets used to cheating, he or she will not just cheat in school, but will also cheat in any given circumstances. As a result, people will not develop a bond of trust towards him or her.
Cheating may be a means of instant academic success and can dish out assortment of multipurpose aids, but it will only lead to more serious unfavorable consequences in the future.
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